Take a Sneak Peek!

Fascia, Tensegrity, and Soft Tissue Resilience

with Dr. Robert Schleip

Recorded, Available Now 

This course qualifies for 3 non-contact hour CEs with Yoga Alliance. 

Fascia, Tensegrity, and Soft Tissue Resilience

In recent years, our understanding of the human body and how it functions has been transformed by the growing field of research into fascia, the connective tissue of the body.

We now know that fascia plays a previously unrecognized, but considerable role in our health and well-being. It is key to retaining healthy mobility, it is involved in nervous system communication, and it serves as a sense organ.

Insights into fascia has led to a new model of human movement. Researchers now believe that the human structure acts like a tensegrity structure, and that it is not a system of levers and pulls as previously believed. In a tensegrity system, structure is maintained and moves in a delicate, constantly shifting balance of compressional and tensional forces.

The new insights into fascia and tensegrity have great implications for our approach to movement in general and yoga specifically.

Like muscles, fascia can respond to stress and nerve signals, and it also loses pliability and adaptability with the natural process of aging. Both of these processes can cause the fascia to become tangled or stuck together, resulting in loss of mobility and even chronic pain.

In this online course, renowned author and fascia expert Dr. Robert Schleip will go into the new model of fascia and movement to provide the practical implications for our approach to fitness in general and yoga specifically.

Take a Sneak Peek at Dr. Robert's Slides:

Also Check Out These Video Excerpts from the Course:

The Role of Fascia in Low Back Pain

Title here

A Tensional Network: The Surprising Power of Fascial Release

Join Dr. Robert for this course on Fascia, Tensegrity, and Soft Tissue Resilience

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This course qualifies for 3 non-contact hour CEs with Yoga Alliance.